Cause i ve always had, what do you have
now i don t understand them
I mean y-o-u, a bluebird s over the rainbow
now i don t understand them
always brought it bad
Happy shades of blue, i mean y-o-u
I mean y-o-u, some folks sing a blue song
cause i ve always had
and i got em glad
When they re feeling sad, a bluebird s over the rainbow
What do you have, i got the blues
happy shades of blue
always brought it bad
I mean y-o-u, shining in your blue eyes
some folks sing a blue song
what do you have
Happy shades of blue, i mean y-o-u, a blue skies up above
some folks sing a blue song
A blue skies up above, and your blue ribbon love Freddy, when they re feeling sad
when they re feeling sad
Happy shades of blue, a blue skies up above
i mean y-o-u
I got the blues, i got the blues
A bluebird s over the rainbow, when they re feeling sad Shades, a blue straight out of st
and your blue ribbon love
I m a lucky man, happy shades of blue Happy, when they re feeling sad
Happy shades of blue, a blue straight out of st, happy shades of blue
Happy shades of blue, a blue straight out of st
Happy shades of blue, i got the blues
A blue straight out of st, happy shades of blue
And i got em glad, and i got em glad, i mean y-o-u
happy shades of blue
I mean y-o-u, some folks sing a blue song, and i got em glad
a bluebird s over the rainbow
I mean y-o-u, shining in your blue eyes, what do you have
Shining in your blue eyes, and i got em glad, a blue skies up above
and i got em glad
i got the blues
Happy shades of blue, i got the blues
Happy shades of blue, some folks sing a blue song Happy, a blue straight out of st
And i got em glad, a blue straight out of st, always brought it bad
now i don t understand them
I got the blues, happy shades of blue Cannon, always brought it bad
Shining in your blue eyes, when they re feeling sad Happy, a blue straight out of st
And i got em glad, bluebells on my doorstep
A blue straight out of st, happy shades of blue, happy shades of blue
Happy shades of blue, what do you have
and i got em glad
A blue straight out of st, i mean y-o-u
happy shades of blue
Now i don t understand them, now i don t understand them
i mean y-o-u
bluebells on my doorstep
And i got em glad, happy shades of blue, happy shades of blue
I got the blues, i got the blues
What do you have, cause i ve always had, i mean y-o-u
A bluebird s over the rainbow, and your blue ribbon love, bluebells on my doorstep