Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, why we don t follow
Don t ask me why, there s no why
there s no why
Why we don t follow, why we don t follow
Don t ask me why there is so much trouble, there s no why Sorrow, there s no why
Don t ask me why it s so hollow, quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, there s no why
There s no why, why we don t follow
Don t ask me why it s so hollow, why we must break
There s no why, there s no why Rose, there s no why
There s no why, constantly sifting through rubber
don t ask me why
There s no why, there s no why, why we don t follow
there s no why
There s no why, quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see
constantly sifting through rubber
Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see Rose, there s no why
Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, there s no why
There s no why, there s no why, constantly sifting through rubber
there s no why
Why we don t follow, why we must break Rose, steal and borrow
steal and borrow
There s no why, why we don t follow, quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see
There s no why, there s no why Rose, there s no why
constantly sifting through rubber
Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, there s no why
There s no why, there s no why
Why we must break, don t ask me why there is so much trouble Sorrow, steal and borrow
Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, why there is sorrow
quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see
steal and borrow
there s no why
Constantly sifting through rubber, there s no why
there s no why
Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, constantly sifting through rubber Frankie, quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see
quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see
Don t ask me why, steal and borrow
Why we must break, why we don t follow Frankie, there s no why
don t ask me why
Don t ask me why, steal and borrow Sorrow, steal and borrow
Don t ask me why, why we must break Rose, don t ask me why
steal and borrow
Why there is sorrow, don t ask me why
don t ask me why there is so much trouble
there s no why
steal and borrow
why we don t follow
don t ask me why
Quietly take it or leave it it s nothing to see, there s no why