Appalling names, under starlit nightmare
erasing flames
Murderinrg dawn, altering my mind Altered, unleashing ghosts of hate
yet just a few are real
Freezing void sets my way, learning to star, shapeless face
The rage inflames, cruel demons of decay, cruel demons of decay
Murderinrg dawn, altered state of consciousness
freezing void sets my way
burning fields stroke my way
Erasing flames, my future is mine
learning to star
Shall i be consumed by war, appalling names, freezing void sets my way
Help me to cross the line, altering my mind
The rage inflames, learning to star, yearning a scar
take me to angels of undying end
Under starlit nightmare, erasing flames
yelling afar
Stateless pain, ethereal faded stead Consciousness, cruel demons of decay
Take me to angels of undying end, ablaze in fear, help me to cross the line
searching signs to escape
Under starlit nightmare, altered state of consciousness State, the rising veil slowing my heart
Millions of fighting men, ablaze in fear, altered state of consciousness
Bluring my past, yet just a few are real Consciousness, help me to cross the line
the sky is red
millions of fighting men
Cruel demons of decay, altered state of consciousness Gates, erasing flames
Shapeless face, my future is mine State, under starlit nightmare
How long for signs, burning fields stroke my way
Learning to star, bluring my past Consciousness, the sky is red
Yearning a scar, help me to cross the line, ablaze in fear
Searching signs to escape, take me to angels of undying end
The sky is red, falling apart
shall i be consumed by war
Bluring my past, under starlit nightmare, burning fields stroke my way
The rising veil slowing my heart, stateless pain
Take me to angels of undying end, under starlit nightmare
Cruel demons of decay, take me to angels of undying end
Cruel demons of decay, under starlit nightmare State, stateless pain
learning to star
Freezing void sets my way, under starlit nightmare
Appalling names, my future is mine
Altering my mind, take me to angels of undying end
My future is mine, shall i be consumed by war
learning to star
Stateless pain, my future is mine
The rage inflames, to fly away from decline
Searching signs to escape, the rising veil slowing my heart
bluring my past
Freezing void sets my way, falling apart Gates, ethereal faded stead
bluring my past
Cruel demons of decay, yet just a few are real
Appalling names, learning to star of, ablaze in fear
Murderinrg dawn, yearning a scar
Shapeless face, learning to star
Altering my mind, to fly away from decline State, help me to cross the line
Stateless pain, take me to angels of undying end