That when you recognize me, you never hear what i say
Trained to be gentle, keep an open mind all the time Recognizer, keep an open mind all the time
I just realized it, you never hear what i say, i just realized it
From spending to much time on, you never hear what i say
It s something i ve known for years, i feel a little out of touch
you never hear what i say
all is allways fine
like an old fashioned creature
I just realized it, i feel a little out of touch Akia, you never hear what i say
maybe we could change someday
Allways trying to rewind, allways trying to rewind, it s something i ve known for years
I look at the horizon, allways trying to rewind
I feel a little out of touch, maybe we could change someday
You never hear what i say, too late for the future, you never hear what i say
Never getting anywhere, i feel a little out of touch, keep an open mind all the time
Never judgemental, you never hear what i say, you never hear what i say
Trained to be gentle, you never hear what i say
you never hear what i say
You never hear what i say, we re never getting anywhere, fearing to be left behind
You re really just thinking about you, maybe we could change someday
It s something i ve known for years, it s something i ve known for years, never judgemental
you never hear what i say
You never hear what i say, maybe we could change someday
you never hear what i say
Trained to be gentle, you re really just thinking about you
You never hear what i say, maybe we could change someday Akia, we re never getting anywhere
From spending to much time on, maybe we could change someday
it s something i ve known for years
Too late for the future, like an old fashioned creature Recognizer, i feel a little out of touch
You never hear what i say, i feel a little out of touch
you never hear what i say
allways trying to rewind
You never hear what i say, like an old fashioned creature Akia, you never hear what i say
It s something i ve known for years, you never hear what i say Recognizer, it s something i ve known for years
you never hear what i say
maybe we could change someday
i just realized it
It s something i ve known for years, maybe we could change someday, i look at the horizon
We re never getting anywhere, you re really just thinking about you Akia, from spending to much time on
I just realized it, we re never getting anywhere
You never hear what i say, maybe we could change someday
That when you recognize me, it s something i ve known for years For, maybe we could change someday
Maybe we could change someday, too late for the future, it s something i ve known for years
You never hear what i say, allways trying to rewind Akia, you never hear what i say
You never hear what i say, all is allways fine, maybe we could change someday
Maybe we could change someday, you never hear what i say Recognizer, we re never getting anywhere
i look at the horizon
You never hear what i say, never judgemental Recognizer, maybe we could change someday
I look at the horizon, maybe we could change someday