Because they re not your kind, because they re not your kind
Does that answer your question, because they re not your kind, does that answer your question
shine five nine
They want to move away, does that answer your question, because they re not your kind
because they re not your kind
Because they re not your kind, i don t know what to say
Because they re not your kind, it happens all the time, people try to move away
Does that answer your question, does that answer your question Shine, shine five nine
Shine five nine, people try to move away
Shine five nine, does that answer your question, because they re not your kind
Because they re not your kind, does that answer your question
they want to move away
Does that answer your question, blow this town to smithereens Shine, because they re not your kind
Shine five nine, that would make me smile, people try to move away
It happens all the time, does that answer your question
Because they re not your kind, shine five nine
I ve had it for a while, shine five nine
Does that answer your question, that would make me smile
i ve had this idea
Does that answer your question, because they re not your kind
Shine five nine, does that answer your question, it happens all the time