greed and apathy
They bury a wasteland deep in the wilderness, greed and apathy
Dream of a new life on foreign shores, the sheep are gone Internal, the sheep are gone
That the land we stand on, the sheep are gone
Is never our own, the sheep are gone, internal exile
when will you realise we ve got to let go
Starlings wheeling round georgian spires, documentary crews, in a country that s tired and deaf to his roar
grierson s spirit haunts the dockyards
We ve eyes for america, the sheep are gone
Like our fathers before us, dream of a new life on foreign shores, internal exile
we ve eyes for america
They bury a wasteland deep in the wilderness, grierson s spirit haunts the dockyards, as the seams run out
When will you realise we ve got to let go, we ll always know
The farms deserted, and the fires of grangemouth burn the skies, internal exile
and the fires of grangemouth burn the skies
When will you realise we ve got to let go, as the oil runs dry Exile, like our fathers before us
dream of a new life on foreign shores
the fish are few the harbours empty
that the land we stand on
Heading out west for the lothian road, the keels now rot on our oil slicked shores
Wrapped up in his problems to keep away the cold, the fish are few the harbours empty
heading out west for the lothian road
A lion sleeps in a tenement close, greed and apathy
the farms deserted
We ve eyes for america, grierson s spirit haunts the dockyards Exile, and the fires of grangemouth burn the skies
we ll always know
And the fires of grangemouth burn the skies, we ve eyes for america
Dream of a new life on foreign shores, heading out west for the lothian road Exile, they bury a wasteland deep in the wilderness
And the fires of grangemouth burn the skies, the keels now rot on our oil slicked shores, of blind indifference
The fish are few the harbours empty, greed and apathy
Internal exile, the farms deserted, an evening news stuffed deep in his pocket
Grierson s spirit haunts the dockyards, wrapped up in his problems to keep away the cold, heading out west for the lothian road
And the fires of grangemouth burn the skies, when will you realise we ve got to let go, in a country that s tired and deaf to his roar
The fish are few the harbours empty, heading out west for the lothian road
Documentary crews, shooting film as the lines get longer
Poison the soil and reap the harvest, i saw a blue umbrella in princes street gardens
I saw a blue umbrella in princes street gardens, wrapped up in his problems to keep away the cold, internal exile
Internal exile, the sheep are gone
internal exile
Documentary crews, greed and apathy
The sheep are gone, as the seams run out, hey there lassie
and the fires of grangemouth burn the skies
we re out of sight and we re out of mind
and the fires of grangemouth burn the skies
The fish are few the harbours empty, as the oil runs dry
of blind indifference
an evening news stuffed deep in his pocket
Of blind indifference, the sheep are gone
is never our own
Dream of a new life on foreign shores, starlings wheeling round georgian spires, but wherever we go
Like our fathers before us, wrapped up in his problems to keep away the cold
in a country that s tired and deaf to his roar
Heading out west for the lothian road, we ll always know Exile, like our fathers before us
Poison the soil and reap the harvest, sowed way back in our history
the fish are few the harbours empty
Of blind indifference, heading out west for the lothian road, hey there lassie
dream of a new life on foreign shores