God i need love, it s too late to forgive if you forget
Don t forget that you ve got plenty of time, and you could be so easily burned
It s like a loaded gun pointed straight at your heart, if you re lookin for a lover you d better take cover Is, cause love is a dangerous thing
Before you give into it you d better think trough it, you take your chances with modern romances, you take the risk right from the start
Cause it s a dangerous thing, love is a dangerous thing
God i need love, it s too late to forgive if you forget
You take the risk right from the start, love is a dangerous thing Dangerous, before you give into it you d better think trough it
it s like a loaded gun pointed straight at your heart
You take your chances with modern romances, cause love is a dangerous thing, if you give into desire you re playing with fire
Gotta have it, if you give into desire you re playing with fire
It s like a loaded gun pointed straight at your heart, love is a dangerous thing, if your first reaction is for satisfaction
cause what you see ain t always what you get
If you re lookin for a lover you d better take cover, remember it s your life on the line Thing, it s too late to forgive if you forget
Remember everything that you ve learned, you take your chances with modern romances Dangerous, cause love is a dangerous thing
Cause love is a dangerous thing, when you roll the dice you d better think twice Is, give into your love
Give into your love, love is a dangerous thing
It s like a loaded gun pointed straight at your heart, it s like a loaded gun pointed straight at your heart, gotta have it
Gotta get love, if your first reaction is for satisfaction
God i need love, gotta have it Is, don t forget that you ve got plenty of time
when you roll the dice you d better think twice
Cause what you see ain t always what you get, give into your love
Want it but i d better not, don t forget that you ve got plenty of time Dangerous, lookin for love
It s too late to forgive if you forget, give into your love
if your first reaction is for satisfaction
Cause love is a dangerous thing, love is a dangerous thing Thing, gotta have it
Love is a dangerous thing, if your first reaction is for satisfaction, cause love is a dangerous thing
it s too late to forgive if you forget
gotta have it
lookin for love
You take the risk right from the start, if your first reaction is for satisfaction, before you give into it you d better think trough it