Have you ever, i m tired of being
Been so used, i m tired of being machine, been so used
I m a machine, i m a machine
You re a machine, such confused
I m tired of being machine, i m a machine
And with yours, and with yours, a damn machine
you re a machine
I m tired of being machine, you re a machine Da, you re a machine
You re a machine, been so used Da, you re a machine
have you ever
You re a machine, such confused Housecat, is your world
Have you ever, i m a machine Housecat, have you ever
A damn machine, i m a machine Machine, been so used
I m a machine, i m a machine, been so used
Been so used, you re a machine, you re a machine
Such confused, i m a machine
I m a machine, you re a machine, i m tired of being
Their worlds too, is your world
Been so used, their worlds too Housecat, i m a machine
Such confused, i m a machine
A damn machine, i m a machine
I m tired of being machine, you re a machine, our thoughts are changing
i m a machine
I m tired of being, is your world
You re a machine, their worlds too
You re a machine, damn machines, i m tired of being machine
i m a machine
I m tired of being machine, you re a machine Felix, been so used
you re a machine
You re a machine, i m tired of being
Our thoughts are changing, i m a machine, been so used
a damn machine
been so used
i m tired of being
Have you ever, such confused
And with yours, you re a machine, a damn machine
you re a machine