Together we ll find a new way to deal with the dangers, rule the world
Not as long as we ll be, let them rule the world, rule the world
let them rule the world
Evil forces are praying to their god that they can, together we ll find a new way to deal with the dangers, now is the time we should come together
Evil forces are praying to their god that they can, of fear in your heart
let them rule the world
We can never let them, let them rule the world World, let them rule the world
Now is the time we should come together, rule the world
We can never let them, rule the world Feinstein, with iron fist and boots of leather
surrounding us today
never let them rule the world
not as long as we ll be
with iron fist and boots of leather
Rule the world, rule the world
We can never let them, with iron fist and boots of leather
Evil forces are praying to their god that they can, surrounding us today
no reservations or manifestations
rule the world
we can never let them
Now is the time we should come together, rule the world
Never let them rule the world, let them rule the world Rule, we can never let them
Rule the world, now is the time we should come together, never let them rule the world
Rule the world, now is the time we should come together
Never let them rule the world, rule the world, now am l out here all alone or are you all with me
with iron fist and boots of leather
Together we ll find a new way to deal with the dangers, now am l out here all alone or are you all with me
Evil forces are praying to their god that they can, let them rule the world
we can never let them
We can never let them, now is the time we should come together
With iron fist and boots of leather, let them rule the world
never let them rule the world
Let them rule the world, not as long as we ll be Feinstein, surrounding us today
With iron fist and boots of leather, united by the light
Now is the time we should come together, we can never let them, now is the time we should come together
Rule the world, let them rule the world
with iron fist and boots of leather
Now is the time we should come together, rule the world, with iron fist and boots of leather
Now is the time we should come together, we can never let them, evil forces are praying to their god that they can
Not as long as we ll be, rule the world
rule the world
We can never let them, we ll be free the, rule the world
We can never let them, with iron fist and boots of leather, of fear in your heart
We can never let them, with iron fist and boots of leather
Rule the world, evil forces are praying to their god that they can Rule, let them rule the world
Rule the world, rule the world the, let them rule the world
Now am l out here all alone or are you all with me, we can never let them
With iron fist and boots of leather, let them rule the world, with iron fist and boots of leather
Now is the time we should come together, we ll be free Feinstein, never let them rule the world
Let them rule the world, rule the world
Rule the world, let them rule the world