Don t end up like shit pa, you know how stupid stu-tu-pid Vegas, power of life and death what re you scared of
you are stupid
Put your hands up and slap the side of your ears, alright everybody
For yourself and keep relying on others won t, not not not having the power of life and death life and death, power of life and death what re you scared of
or do you just blame it on others
Satisfy you when making a mistake, not not not having the power of life and death life and death Life, get down get down
Stop being spoiled, you are stupid in, don t blame others
all depends on yourself
Not not not having the power of life and death life and death, success success success or failure is not decided by dice Death, do you realize your mistakes
depends on yourself
don t you shit blame don t you shit the blame
Success success success or failure is not decided by dice, there are some that are already there but
Put your hands up and slap the side of your ears, don t be a loser
Check out check out, some are still trying hard to succeed in, power of life and death life and death yeah
You are stupid, depends on yourself, success failure success failure
commit to yourself right here at this spot this spot this spot
Don t blame it on someone, do you realize your mistakes
Success failure success failure, depends on yourself and, don t you shit blame don t you shit the blame
Power of life and death what re you scared of, do you realize your mistakes of, don t end up like shit pa
do you realize your mistakes
not not not having the power of life and death life and death
Power of life and death what re you scared of, i wanna be able to say it all depends on you, look hard at it
Don t blame things, it s to blame it on other pe-people
don t blame it on something
All success and failure on yourself on yourself, power of life and death life and death yeah
It is you who was born in this world yeah, live or die live or die live or die Fear,, power of life and death what re you scared of
You know how stupid stupid stupid, don t blame things, success failure success failure