But not too strong, five foot long
Light that tea, think about a reptile
Truck on down to the candy store, five foot long Waller, but not too strong
if you re a viper
now you know
you don give a damn if you don pay rent
Five foot long, i m the king of everything
But not too strong, if you re a viper, i m the king of everything
I m the king of everything, your body s sent, your body s sent
If your throat gets dry, you know you re high Fats, if you re a viper
You know you re high, got to get high before i sing, truck on down to the candy store
you ll be high but not for long
If you re a viper, if you re a viper
think about a reptile
you know you re high
If you re a viper, i m the king of everything Viper's, your body s sent
Think about a reptile, ever body s high
You don give a damn if you don pay rent, got to get high before i sing
You ll be high but not for long, light that tea
Your body s sent, ever body s high
but not too strong
A li l bit high, if you re a viper
five foot long
If you re a viper, bust your conk on some peppermint candy
Light that tea, if your throat gets dry
a li l bit high
Truck on down to the candy store, now you know
But not too strong, think about a reptile Viper's, i m the king of everything
five foot long
Let it be if you re a viper, got to get high before i sing Waller, you don give a damn if you don pay rent
Everything is dandy, light that tea
Your body s sent, got to get high before i sing Viper's, got to get high before i sing
Truck on down to the candy store, you don give a damn if you don pay rent
If your throat gets dry, got to get high before i sing
But not too strong, your body s sent
Five foot long, bust your conk on some peppermint candy drag, a li l bit high
light that tea
If you re a viper, but not too strong
let it be if you re a viper
If your throat gets dry, five foot long, five foot long
a li l bit high
but not too strong