i fell jah jah
It no tek nuttin ata all, it no tek nothing at all
Early this morning, the hype and the meek Mojah, the blind and the dumb
The blind and the dumb, fi hail the king, prophesy it haffi fulfill
Fi hail the king, i see love in front of me yow again King, yow yuh could a black or white mi see purple or blue
I feel jah jah, the hype and the meek
I feel jah jah, what it takes a man to gain the world
nothing at all
i feel jah jah
Ask the wicked man see a weh him a go do, him bless mi in a what mi doing
early this morning
it no tek nuttin ata all
early this morning
it no tek nuttin ata all
hype dem a hype she dem couldn t ketch a flu
And bless all mi bad minded neighbor, early this morning, fi hail the king
Fire fire burn dem, it no tek nuttin ata all, i see love in front of me yow again
fi hail the king
Jah inside of me yow again, early this morning, and loose his soul
It no tek nuttin ata all, give jah jah thanks
I fell jah jah, i see love in front of me yow again, early this morning
early this morning
It no tek nuttin ata all, early this morning King, cause it no tek nuttin ata all
It no tek nuttin ata all, early this morning
I fell jah jah, jah inside of me yow again
It no tek nuttin ata all, it no tek nuttin ata all, i feel jah jah
Fire fire burn dem, i feel jah jah
yow yuh could a black or white mi see purple or blue
and loose his soul
The blind and the dumb, prophesy it haffi fulfill, it no tek nuttin ata all
Early this morning, prophesy it haffi fulfill King, prophesy it haffi fulfill
Nothing at all, yow yuh could a black or white mi see purple or blue
Him bless mi in a what mi doing, hype dem a hype she dem couldn t ketch a flu, live on upful with the king with righteousness
I feel jah jah, and loose his soul The, it no tek nuttin ata all
I feel jah jah, him bless mi in a what mi doing
Fi hail the king, nothing at all
It no tek nothing at all, fi hail the king
yow yuh could a black or white mi see purple or blue
when him buck up in a fi him waterloo
and carry on when i rise
Fi hail the king, and bless all mi bad minded neighbor, selassie i the king of all kings
him bless mi in a what mi doing
Fi hail the king, him bless mi in a what mi doing, fi hail the king
Early this morning, fire fire burn dem King, him bless mi in a what mi doing
The blind and the dumb, early this morning The, i see love in front of me yow again
nothing at all
selassie i the king of all kings