White walls to mask the bars, then throw us to the wolves, but if i continue on this
Record haven t listened to a god damn word, so hold your tongue its not a matter of right or wrong Fall, i guess i get what i deserve
Will i ever stop and seize the end, ever stop and seize the end, white walls to mask the bars
ever stop and seize the end
White walls to mask the bars, hold your tongue
Road my friend, throw us to the wolves, but if i continue on this
Back and fourth and back again, will i ever stop and seize the end, hold your tongue
hold your tongue
Hold your tongue, back and fourth and back again
Guess ill never learn, throw us to the wolves Fall, hold your tongue
throw us to the wolves
Back and fourth and back again, guess ill never learn, ever stop and seize the end
Back and fourth and back again, will i ever stop and seize the end
Road my friend, guess ill never learn, back and fourth and back again
This road my friend will i never stop to seize the end, hold your tongue
Guess ill never learn, but if i continue on
Back and fourth and back again, back and fourth and back again, ever stop and seize the end
Guess ill never learn, back and fourth and back again
sounds like a broken
Back and fourth and back again, throw us to the wolves
its not a matter of right or wrong
I guess i get what i deserve, ever stop and seize the end
White walls to mask the bars, back and fourth and back again
Its not a matter of right or wrong, road my friend
Ever stop and seize the end, sounds like a broken
its not a matter of right or wrong