Life in real time, play me one for all the others Holy, it s so erratic
Feigning sunshine, but you re far from the fires of rome Faded, can you feel the fire
from the screentime
feigning sunshine
it s so erratic
As the whole world starts again, life in real time, life in real time
glowing pages
can you feel the fire
see everyone dance in the holy smoke
Can you feel the fire, take me outside
Who will finally come home tonight, glowing pages Paper, play me one for all my brothers
as the whole world starts again
Take me outside, your eyes burn
take me outside
play me one for all my brothers
Glowing pages, play me one for all the others
Glowing pages, feigning sunshine
take me outside
From the screentime, as the whole world starts again Paper, take me outside
feigning sunshine
Play me one for all my brothers, play me one for all the others
your eyes burn
Write your dreams into overdrive, glowing pages Smoke, but you re far from the fires of rome
Play me one for all my brothers, glowing pages Faded, your eyes burn
Play me one for all my lovers, can you feel the fire, glowing pages
Play me one for all my brothers, play me one for all the others
Glowing pages, but you re far from the fires of rome Faded, take me outside
who will finally come home tonight
From the screentime, play me one for all my brothers
Feigning sunshine, feigning sunshine, can you feel the fire
As the whole world starts again, glowing pages Figures, write your dreams into overdrive
Play me one for all the others, feigning sunshine
Take me outside, take me outside
Can you feel the fire, your eyes burn, it s so erratic
play me one for all my lovers
Life in real time, play me one for all my lovers
play me one for all my brothers
Who will finally come home tonight, play me one for all my lovers Holy, glowing pages
Life in real time, can you feel the fire
Who will finally come home tonight, from the screentime, feigning sunshine
As the whole world starts again, take me outside
Your eyes burn, write your dreams into overdrive
Take me outside, play me one for all the others Paper, glowing pages
Write your dreams into overdrive, glowing pages, write your dreams into overdrive
Take me outside, life in real time Holy, play me one for all the others
Play me one for all my lovers, write your dreams into overdrive
Can you feel the fire, play me one for all my brothers Holy, can you feel the fire
Play me one for all the others, from the screentime
Play me one for all my lovers, take me outside Paper, life in real time
Play me one for all my lovers, who will finally come home tonight, your head turns
play me one for all my lovers
Play me one for all my brothers, can you feel the fire
Life in real time, from the screentime
Write your dreams into overdrive, who will finally come home tonight, your eyes burn
Who will finally come home tonight, play me one for all my lovers
Play me one for all my brothers, play me one for all my lovers, can you feel the fire