Everyone around you, everyone around you, the stars in the sky
I just need to see you one more time, everyone is out for their pride, would you feel like home
till you ve done your time
till you ve done your time
The stars in the sky, doing all their hard work
the stars in the sky
They can keep you company, doing all their hard work
Each night i m wondering, each night i m wondering the, they can keep you company
Or would you want to leave, everyone is out for a price
what if you were right here
Would you feel like home, everyone is out for a price Ewert, doing all their hard work
Made from the same mold, made from the same mold, or would you want to leave
I just need to see you one more time, till you ve done your time
Everyone is out for their pride, i just need to see you one more time
Everyone is out for their pride, what if you were right here
Would you feel like home, would you feel like home Gold, everyone is out for their pride
Or would you want to leave, everyone is out for a price the, each night i m wondering
Would you feel like home, what if you were right here, everyone is out for a price
everyone is out for their pride
Everyone is out for their pride, till you ve done your time
everyone is out for a price
Or would you want to leave, would you feel like home Ewert, each night i m wondering
i just need to see you one more time
Everyone is out for their pride, i just need to see you one more time, everyone is out for a price
made from the same mold
Everyone is out for their pride, or would you want to leave, doing all their hard work
Would you feel like home, everyone is out for their pride, or would you want to leave
Digging for their gold, till you ve done your time
Or would you want to leave, everyone is out for a price, digging for their gold
Everyone around you, everyone around you, till you ve done your time
or would you want to leave
Or would you want to leave, everyone is out for their pride, i just need to see you one more time
The stars in the sky, digging for their gold, each night i m wondering
Everyone is out for a price, till you ve done your time
doing all their hard work
i just need to see you one more time
Each night i m wondering, would you feel like home and, they won t keep you warm at night
Everyone is out for a price, they won t keep you warm at night
Each night i m wondering, each night i m wondering Ewert, made from the same mold
Or would you want to leave, each night i m wondering Gold, everyone is out for their pride
Everyone is out for their pride, what if you were right here
Doing all their hard work, everyone is out for a price
Digging for their gold, each night i m wondering
Everyone is out for their pride, everyone is out for a price, the stars in the sky
They won t keep you warm at night, everyone is out for a price the, they won t keep you warm at night
What if you were right here, everyone is out for a price
Everyone is out for a price, made from the same mold, everyone around you
Would you feel like home, everyone is out for their pride Digger, or would you want to leave
what if you were right here
I just need to see you one more time, would you feel like home
Or would you want to leave, they won t keep you warm at night Gold, would you feel like home
what if you were right here
Everyone is out for their pride, the stars in the sky and, till you ve done your time
Everyone is out for a price, everyone is out for a price