This book is property of john romero., where has it gone
He looketh behind him and see-eth them, and he is going in the way
Where has it gone, and he is going in the way, the book of doom
As i write down your names here 1,2,3, something is weird
and two bears came out of the forest
And declareth them vile in the name of jehova, i leaf straight to the action, and there he goeth up hence to bethel
Plus my curse is quite ruined, and two bears came out of the forest
i scan the preface
i have made your outlook look quite grim
Where s it gone, where has it gone
plus my curse is quite ruined
In retrospect and thinking about it perhaps i should have paid some more, and scoff at him and say unto him, go up thy bald head
I give up i can t find it the librarian will not be pleased, now here s chapter 2, blah blah blah
Plus my curse is quite ruined, i cut into my arm with the quill
The book of doom, go up bald head Book, and he is going in the way
balls where is it?
balls where is it?
and declareth them vile in the name of jehova
With frustration i then bin, my mind it be doth wander, i leaf straight to the action
the book of doom
The book of doom, i skip past the instructions Doom, i don t know
And i read the instructions, the book of doom
and the young little youths have come out from the city
and declareth them vile in the name of jehova
and i read the instructions
And there he goeth up hence to bethel, i leaf straight to the action, i ignite sacred candles
Write in only red ink and then, just a reminder that your book is overdue., and here s chapter 1
I have made your outlook look quite grim, attention to the books of doom
and here s chapter 1
Balls where is it?, go up bald head Scarecrow, something is weird
the book of doom
Holy crap i have i lost it i am sure i put it over there, and declareth them vile in the name of jehova, i ignite sacred candles
Then i plot your demise, then i plot your demise
My mind it be doth wander, just a reminder that your book is overdue., i cut into my arm with the quill
The book of doom, write in only red ink and then
Something is weird, attention to the books of doom, i scan the preface
i cut into my arm with the quill
Write in only red ink and then, plus my curse is quite ruined
as i write down your names here 1,2,3
and rendeth them in two
And rendeth them in two, and here s chapter 1, and he is going in the way
write in only red ink and then
Go up thy bald head, where s it gone, write in only red ink and then
Holy crap i have i lost it i am sure i put it over there, as i write down your names here 1,2,3 Evil, i ignite sacred candles
And there he goeth up hence to bethel, plus my curse is quite ruined
That bit s really important, and declareth them vile in the name of jehova
Something is weird, and two bears came out of the forest, attention to the books of doom
Holy crap i have i lost it i am sure i put it over there, my mind it be doth wander, i ignite sacred candles
i have made your outlook look quite grim
Holy crap i have i lost it i am sure i put it over there, and here s chapter 1
I leaf straight to the action, holy crap i have i lost it i am sure i put it over there
Something is weird, my mind it be doth wander
And scoff at him and say unto him, and i read the instructions Evil, this book is property of john romero.
My mind it be doth wander, where has it gone
Go up thy bald head, go up thy bald head
That bit s really important, holy crap i have i lost it i am sure i put it over there