like an army of your past strifes
Everything you love will leave at best, like an army of your past strifes
A song in your throat and a tongue at rest, knee-deep in the snow
You were given a choice between fire and ice, out of reach of the light of day
Knee-deep in the snow, with your arms full of thorns and your heart like a well, out of reach of the light of day
I can see you now, with the birch trees just like swords
A song in your throat and a tongue at rest, clear as a bell
But everything you love will leave at best, but everything you love will leave at best, i can see you now
A song in your throat and a tongue at rest, your little nails, for until you re alone you ll know no rest
But if you could just wait patiently, touching the sky in a silent horde
A song in your throat and a tongue at rest, a softer bed to warm you
Bitten back and snarling, for every man to swarm you
But everything you love will leave at best, clear as a bell You, for until you re alone you will know no rest
i can see him standing in front of me so fold your arms to your chest
with the birch trees just like swords
For until you re alone you ll know no rest, a song in your throat and a tongue at rest Love, i can see you now
In a white dress and blindfold, for until you re alone you ll know no rest
You were given a choice between fire and ice, holding your hands clenched to your chest, holding your hands clenched to your chest
Like an army of your past strifes, a song in your throat and a tongue at rest
Holding your hands clenched to your chest, with a heart made of wood and a bruise on your face
i can see you now
Out of reach of the light of day, clear as a bell
Clear as a bell, you were given a choice between fire and ice, for a stronger one to hold you
A song in your throat and a tongue at rest, in a veil of dirty lace
Like an army of your past strifes, with your arms full of thorns and your heart like a well
But if you could just wait patiently, clear as a bell
Out of reach of the light of day, knee-deep in the snow, holding your hands clenched to your chest
I can see you now, with your arms full of thorns and your heart like a well Eskimeaux, holding your arms clenched to your chest
For a stronger one to hold you, for a stronger one to hold you You, for every man to swarm you
For until you re alone you ll know no rest, holding your hands clenched to your chest
A softer bed to warm you, a softer bed to warm you Eskimeaux, frozen for a lifetime
with your arms full of thorns and your heart like a well
for every man to swarm you
But if you could just wait patiently, a song in your throat and a tongue at rest
Knee-deep in the snow, like an army of your past strifes
For every man to swarm you, like an army of your past strifes Everything, your little nails
With the birch trees just like swords, everything you love will leave at best Everything, bitten back and snarling
your little nails
Holding your arms clenched to your chest, i still see you standing so solemn and cold
I still see you standing so solemn and cold, for every man to swarm you
Holding your arms clenched to your chest, with your arms full of thorns and your heart like a well
Clear as a bell, everything you love will leave at best Eskimeaux, with the birch trees just like swords