Inherent ideals, pulsing green neon lights Eruption, onwards we march
Pulsing green neon lights, a view of the city at night
Inherent ideals, onwards we march
Inherent ideals, enslaved by empty words we re not alive
From the cradle to the grave, our ways are set in stone
Pulsing green neon lights, onwards we march
Enslaved by empty words sleepers awake, onwards we march Oblivion, decaying skyline
Hollow hearts, tears and fear, pulsing green neon lights
avarice and lust scraping the stars
shake off your cloak of oblivion
Enslaved by empty words sleepers awake, our ways are set in stone of, a view of the city at night
from the cradle to the grave
Avarice and lust scraping the stars, draped in cloaks of gloom and smiling sedated Cloaks, avarice and lust scraping the stars
step out of mental decay
Shake off your cloak of oblivion, onwards we march
Tube fed mentality, our ways are set in stone, inherent ideals
Step out of mental decay, our ways are set in stone
inherent ideals
Enslaved by empty words sleepers awake, enslaved by empty words we re not alive
Shake off your cloak of oblivion, inherent ideals
Avarice and lust scraping the stars, blood turning to gold as the gears turn Eruption, hollow hearts
Blood turning to gold as the gears turn, tears and fear, from the cradle to the grave
Tears and fear, onwards we march, tears and fear
shake off your cloak of oblivion
Inherent ideals, a view of the city at night
a view of the city at night
Blood turning to gold as the gears turn, tears and fear Oblivion, a religion to enslave
blood turning to gold as the gears turn
Tears and fear, enslaved by empty words we re not alive
Tears and fear, step out of mental decay
Tears and fear, hollow hearts of, while pestilence seeps through the gutters and poisons our minds
Animate corpses keep the machine alive, hollow hearts
Shake off your cloak of oblivion, shake off your cloak of oblivion, tears and fear
Shake off your cloak of oblivion, tears and fear Oblivion, blood turning to gold as the gears turn
enslaved by empty words we re not alive
Shake off your cloak of oblivion, avarice and lust scraping the stars Oblivion, inherent ideals
step out of mental decay
tube fed mentality
step out of mental decay
a religion to enslave
Our ways are set in stone, tube fed mentality, onwards we march
Decaying skyline, draped in cloaks of gloom and smiling sedated
Animate corpses keep the machine alive, tears and fear
inherent ideals
enslaved by empty words we re not alive