if wishes only could come true
To display on christmas day, san antonio to huston
May your days be sunny and bright, may your days be sunny and bright
we have no jingle bells or sleigh
Merry texas christmas, may your hearts be happy and light Texas, but we sure mean it when we say
Merry texas christmas, merry texas christmas, we have no jingle bells or sleigh
may your days be sunny and bright
san antonio to huston
Merry texas christmas, there s not much snow down texas way, may your days be sunny and bright
Merry texas christmas, merry texas christmas
Merry texas christmas, we d wish that we could send to you
If wishes only could come true, may your hearts be happy and light, merry texas christmas
We have no jingle bells or sleigh, merry texas christmas, you all you all
Merry texas christmas, if wishes only could come true, may your hearts be happy and light
May your days be sunny and bright, merry texas christmas
We have no jingle bells or sleigh, may your hearts be happy and light
san antonio to huston
you all you all
Merry texas christmas, may your hearts be happy and light
may your hearts be happy and light
If wishes only could come true, there s not much snow down texas way
You all you all, may your days be sunny and bright, may your days be sunny and bright
and say hi there and wishing you a
May your days be sunny and bright, there s not much snow down texas way, merry texas christmas
There s not much snow down texas way, merry texas christmas
May your hearts be happy and light, merry texas christmas
Merry texas christmas, may your days be sunny and bright
And say hi there and wishing you a, but we sure mean it when we say, may your days be sunny and bright
You all you all, from fort worth and dallas too Tubb, to display on christmas day
But we sure mean it when we say, if wishes only could come true, a gushing oil well or two
Merry texas christmas, merry texas christmas
may your hearts be happy and light
we have no jingle bells or sleigh
Merry texas christmas, may your days be sunny and bright
May your hearts be happy and light, san antonio to huston, and say hi there and wishing you a
may your days be sunny and bright
San antonio to huston, merry texas christmas
A gushing oil well or two, merry texas christmas
To display on christmas day, to display on christmas day, we d wish that we could send to you
merry texas christmas
To display on christmas day, may your hearts be happy and light
and say hi there and wishing you a
May your days be sunny and bright, from fort worth and dallas too Merry, may your days be sunny and bright
merry texas christmas
merry texas christmas
we have no jingle bells or sleigh
May your days be sunny and bright, there s not much snow down texas way Christmas,, may your hearts be happy and light
merry texas christmas
We d wish that we could send to you, may your hearts be happy and light
May your days be sunny and bright, merry texas christmas
Merry texas christmas, may your days be sunny and bright, merry texas christmas
may your days be sunny and bright
may your days be sunny and bright
Merry texas christmas, and say hi there and wishing you a
to display on christmas day
There s not much snow down texas way, merry texas christmas, we d wish that we could send to you
We have no jingle bells or sleigh, merry texas christmas, may your hearts be happy and light
to display on christmas day
A gushing oil well or two, merry texas christmas Tubb, merry texas christmas
Merry texas christmas, merry texas christmas Merry, we have no jingle bells or sleigh