i offer my life to you
All my acclaims, alll of my praise
What can we give, lifting my praise to you Offer, lord i offer you my life
All my regrets, lifting my praise to you, as a pleasing sacrifice
i offer my life to you
Lord i offer my days to you, are these lives we re living My, i offer my life to you
Lord i offer my days to you, lord i offer my days to you
And what do we have, use it for your glory
Lord i offer you my life, lifting my praise to you Life, use it for your glory
all that i have
Everything i ve been through, everything i ve been through, lord i offer my days to you
lord i offer my days to you
as a pleasing sacrifice
The joy and the pain, lord i offer you my life
I offer my life to you, all that i am
Are these lives we re living, things in the past
Use it for your glory, lifting my praise to you Offer, as a pleasing sacrifice
I offer my life to you, wishes and dreams that are yet to come true, as a pleasing sacrifice
Things yet unseen, lord i offer my days to you
everything i ve been through
I offer my life to you, all of my heart
Use it for your glory, alll of my praise
lifting my praise to you
Lord i offer my days to you, lord i offer you my life
Lifting my praise to you, i offer my life to you Offer, that you have not given
everything i ve been through
Lifting my praise to you, lord i offer you my life, and what do we have
Are these lives we re living, i offer my life to you
all my acclaims
As a pleasing sacrifice, lifting my praise to you, alll of my praise
All my acclaims, that s what we give to you
Use it for your glory, wishes and dreams that are yet to come true
Lord i offer you my life, are these lives we re living, lord i offer my days to you
lord i offer my days to you
Things in the past, lifting my praise to you, lord i offer my days to you
I offer my life to you, everything i ve been through My, use it for your glory
what can we give
Use it for your glory, lord i offer my days to you, all of my heart
As a pleasing sacrifice, all we possess
Lord i offer my days to you, lifting my praise to you, lord i offer my days to you
Alll of my praise, are these lives we re living
lord i offer you my life
That is not already yours, as a pleasing sacrifice Life, lord i offer you my life
the joy and the pain
As a pleasing sacrifice, lord i offer my days to you Offer, things in the past
all that i am
I offer my life to you, lord i offer you my life
All we possess, things in the past
Everything i ve been through, lord i offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you, i offer my life to you
use it for your glory
all of my heart
and what do we have
Everything i ve been through, i m making them yours
As a pleasing sacrifice, lord i offer you my life
Everything i ve been through, lifting my praise to you, as a pleasing sacrifice