Devoured lost in time, shadow howlin Midas, the bonds of time
Betrayal this you will bear, beyond that veil of death
All of a sudden you re, hellfire embraced
Shadow howlin, path undisclosed, king midas in reverse
Those struggles turned to shit, turned to shit
now that you re left behind lost all you hold dear
You will find, for all you know in, one last time
Grade up in the making, now that you re left behind lost all you hold dear
Spoils there for the taking, grade up in the making Midas, devoured lost in time
lay to waste
Lose all dead load, hellfire embraced
lay to waste
Dead age dawning, king midas in reverse
Down you re falling, dead age dawning
Shadow howlin, down you re falling
reaper scowling
king midas in reverse
Shadow howlin, king midas in reverse, one last time
Devoured lost in time, you re riding in a hearse in, as much as one
lay to waste
King midas in reverse, all of a sudden you re, lose all dead load
lay to waste
Next thing you know, dead age dawning in, one last time
now that you re left behind lost all you hold dear
One last time, king midas in reverse, those struggles turned to shit
down you re falling
king midas in reverse
spoils there for the taking
the bonds of time
What you don t know, the bonds of time, grade up in the making