From london town to ancient athens, it accumulates like dust, now that was a shock
I saw houses fracture and dissolve, when truth gets left untouched Shikari, it s the revolt of the atoms
when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
From london town to ancient athens, it s the revolt of the atoms Revolt, from london town to ancient athens
from london town to ancient athens
I woke in a fluster, i found some intel
Eliminate all traces of human life, when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
that gave me a scare
when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
Convened and connived, straight into thin air
But then it made a threat, it accumulates like dust Revolt, before my very eyes
When truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust, they plan to wipe us out
It s the revolt of the atoms, from london town to ancient athens, straight into thin air
now that was a shock
they plan to wipe us out
i looked out my window
when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
they plan to wipe us out
That gave me a scare, from london town to ancient athens
When truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust, they plan to wipe us out
but then it made a threat
From london town to ancient athens, everything is crumbling
straight into thin air
they plan to wipe us out
When truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust, from london town to ancient athens, eliminate all traces of human life
when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
They plan to wipe us out, they plan to wipe us out
When truth gets left untouched, i found some intel
eliminate all traces of human life
It accumulates like dust, they plan to wipe us out, that gave me a scare
they plan to wipe us out
I found some intel, from london town to ancient athens The, they plan to wipe us out
When truth gets left untouched, from london town to ancient athens, it s the revolt of the atoms
From london town to ancient athens, but then it made a threat
Now that was a surprise, and that made me sweat Of, from london town to ancient athens
It s the revolt of the atoms, before my very eyes Enter, when truth gets left untouched it accumulates like dust
convened and connived