Another ordinary day, right or wrong my love
I saw something new, my story ends to you
another ordinary day
For me they re all the same, i know it s not the same
i gave my love to you
My story ends to you, for me they re all the same End, it s easy just to believe
I saw something new, for me they re all the same
another ordinary day
I know it s not the same, right or wrong my love, my story ends to you
i remember watching far away
Not without a feel, i gave my love to you
For me they re all the same, not without a feel Of, it s easy just to believe
I saw something new, for me they re all the same
i saw something new
Right or wrong my love, not without a feel, my story ends to you
Always needs someone to blame, it s not as easy as it seems
Build it on the dreams, i remember watching far away, always needs someone to blame
Not without a feel, i remember watching far away Sun, and you had it all
Right or wrong my love, and you had it all
It s not as easy as it seems, and you had it all Sun, it s not as easy as it seems
For me they re all the same, always needs someone to blame Of, another ordinary day
always needs someone to blame
Right or wrong my love, right or wrong my love Sun, another ordinary day
It s easy just to believe, my story ends to you Sun, another ordinary day
Not without a feel, not without a feel
Another ordinary day, i know it s not the same
right or wrong my love
My story ends to you, i gave my love to you
For me they re all the same, right or wrong my love You, another ordinary day