we believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction
don t you know where the fuck you stand
Cut the heart out, once your feet are wet let them drown with the rest Trust, disgraced low life
we believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction
We believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction, senseless kids are unstable stepping stones
I d knock your teeth out but i fear infection, don t you know where the fuck you stand, cut the heart out
Justify your existence through a petty excuse, don t you know where the fuck you are
So afraid to face the ugly truth, punk rock cred wouldn t feed the thrill, so afraid to face the ugly truth
I d knock your teeth out but i fear infection, i d knock your teeth out but i fear infection, corporations are paying the bills
Punk rock cred wouldn t feed the thrill, i ll shit on your name with my last breath
You re not the first train wreck without direction, we believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction, disgraced low life
give the death blow
you can t swim with the best
Don t you know where the fuck you stand, i ve lost my faith in you, give the death blow
don t you know where the fuck you are
Don t you know where the fuck you stand, justify your existence through a petty excuse, justify your existence through a petty excuse
You can t swim with the best, we believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction Enabler, you can t swim with the best
Senseless kids are unstable stepping stones, justify your existence through a petty excuse
Don t you know where the fuck you stand, i d knock your teeth out but i fear infection
So afraid to face the ugly truth, i d knock your teeth out but i fear infection Trust, use them up for all they re worth
So afraid to face the ugly truth, sharks keep moving with the bottom in sight, you re not the first train wreck without direction
so afraid to face the ugly truth
use them up for all they re worth
justify your existence through a petty excuse
cut the heart out
punk rock cred wouldn t feed the thrill
I ve lost my faith in you, don t you know where the fuck you stand, i d knock your teeth out but i fear infection
give the death blow
Don t you know where the fuck you are, don t you know where the fuck you are
Don t you know where the fuck you stand, sharks keep moving with the bottom in sight Enabler, disgraced low life
I ll shit on your name with my last breath, i ve lost my faith in you
Cut the heart out, punk rock cred wouldn t feed the thrill, i ve lost my faith in you
So afraid to face the ugly truth, i d knock your teeth out but i fear infection
Once your feet are wet let them drown with the rest, justify your existence through a petty excuse, we believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction
So afraid to face the ugly truth, disgraced low life, in what should i trust
Sharks keep moving with the bottom in sight, we believe in the same faith yet we are a contradiction
Sharks keep moving with the bottom in sight, once your feet are wet let them drown with the rest, don t you know where the fuck you stand
once your feet are wet let them drown with the rest
Corporations are paying the bills, sharks keep moving with the bottom in sight, punk rock cred wouldn t feed the thrill
justify your existence through a petty excuse
Corporations are paying the bills, so afraid to face the ugly truth, don t you know where the fuck you are