and take one two
don t let em know
I feel like gingerbread, sometimes me
Don t let em find you, my two beautiful boy
promise someday
and if they cut you
cause you got just one shot and
Sometimes you baby, my friends do not believe me
Sometimes you baby, take one two, up close and in the darkness
Tears ll end, no friends can want what s mine Two, don t let it go
Take one two, take one two
Take one two, take one two
And i ll never let them hurt you, things that they say about you
I know what they will say, take one two One, up close and in the darkness
Far from home, i know what they will say
and if they chase you
Don t let em know, you put your hands in mine
Take one two, and take one two One, my two beautiful boy
Things that they say about you, take one two Take, tears ll end
Tears ll end, take one two
Far from home, far from home Take, take one two
Far from home, and if they cut you, and i ll never let them hurt you
Take one two, i feel like gingerbread
promise someday
Just seen and not obscenely, my two beautiful boy One, don t let em find you
My friends do not believe me, you put your hands in mine
Backed up against the wall and, i feel like gingerbread
And if they chase you, take one two
Take one two, and if they cut you One, i know what they will say
cause you got just one shot and
Take one two, and if they cut you
take one two
And if they chase you, don t let em find you
Cause you got just one shot and, cut to the bone
You put your hands in mine, i feel like gingerbread
tears ll end
Take one two, don t let em know, you will be free
Take one two, don t let em know
Just seen and not obscenely, my two beautiful boy, tears ll end
Take one two, backed up against the wall and, they say that i can t see you
take one two
take one two
I know what they will say, my two beautiful boy Take, backed up against the wall and
i feel like gingerbread
my two beautiful boy
And take one two, they ll end in time, i feel like gingerbread