Don t follow, don t make me say it again, don t follow
i guess you kinda figured
don t follow
And i just can t rid of you, don t follow
you ve got your own feet too
Don t follow, don t follow Ella, don t follow
Don t make me say it again, don t follow me
Don t follow, don t follow
Don t follow, got me sick of saying, i can t help you
don t follow
Don t follow me, don t make me say it again
You ve got your own feet too, a form a flattery
Don t follow, don t follow
I guess you kinda figured, but i don t need a mirror, i don t know who you think you re fooling
It isn t you, don t follow me Follow, don t follow me
Don t follow, don t follow
I see just what you re brewing, don t follow
Don t follow, don t follow me, don t follow me
You ve got your own feet too, don t follow, don t follow me
Don t follow, don t follow
You ve got your own feet too, don t follow, don t follow
Don t follow, you ll never learn
You ve got your own feet too, don t follow me
you ve got your own feet too
and i just can t rid of you
a form a flattery
i don t know who you think you re fooling
you ve got your own feet too
You ll never learn, don t make me say it again
don t follow
don t follow
Don t follow, and i wish you wouldn t do Follow, and i just can t rid of you
I can t help you, it s either imitations Me, don t follow
don t follow
Don t follow, don t follow
it s either imitations
it doesn t work
You ll never learn, don t follow me
Don t follow, don t follow Don't, you ve got your own feet too
Don t follow, don t make me say it again Me, don t follow me
Don t make me say it again, you ll never learn
a form a flattery
Don t follow me, don t follow me Don't, don t follow me
Don t follow me, you ve got your own feet too
Don t follow, don t follow me, don t make me say it again
don t follow me
Don t follow, don t follow
don t make me say it again
i guess you kinda figured
you ve got your own feet too