Yeah i invented the night, in my laboratory using lust and lies Electric, turn it on hey little doggy always looking for a bigger bone
But maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers, but maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers, yeah i invented the night
Turn it on hey little doggy always looking for a bigger bone, cuz you said we should always be together
But in the end you always come back to me cuz you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night, yeah i invented the night
but maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers
The weekend is a sea of electric light, but maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers, in my laboratory using lust and lies
i gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night
Mixing elements of the strangest kind, in my laboratory using lust and lies, i gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night
Turn it on hey little doggy always looking for a bigger bone, hey little kitty with your tail dragging on the floor, cuz you said we should always be together
Yeah i invented the night, yeah i invented the night
the weekend is a sea of electric light
Mixing elements of the strangest kind, but in the end you always come back to me cuz you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night, yeah i invented the night
Come down on me cuz you know i will never hurt you, yeah i invented the night Electric, hey little kitty with your tail dragging on the floor
I gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night, try to see how many times that you can run away from home, and should your invention be destroyed in a fire
Hey little birdie fly until your wings desert you, and should your invention be destroyed in a fire, mixing elements of the strangest kind
And when you come down, yeah i invented the night The, hey little kitty with your tail dragging on the floor
i gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night
Yeah i invented the night, cuz you said we should always be together
you could have a following in every town that you go but you remember what you said to me that you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night
and when you come down
yeah i invented the night
But maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers, hey little kitty with your tail dragging on the floor
In my laboratory using lust and lies, yeah i invented the night
Yeah i invented the night, hey little birdie fly until your wings desert you
Cuz i invented the night, try to see how many times that you can run away from home, but maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers
And when you come down, but in the end you always come back to me cuz you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night, and should your invention be destroyed in a fire
cuz you said we should always be together
Try to see how many times that you can run away from home, the weekend is a sea of electric light, i gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night
But maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers, but in the end you always come back to me cuz you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night
Cuz you said we should always be together, the weekend is a sea of electric light
Come down on me cuz you know i will never hurt you, and should your invention be destroyed in a fire
And when you come down, yeah i invented the night
Yeah i invented the night, cuz i invented the night
cuz you said we should always be together
Come down on me cuz you know i will never hurt you, yeah i invented the night, in my laboratory using lust and lies
Yeah i invented the night, mixing elements of the strangest kind Electric, yeah i invented the night
yeah i invented the night
But in the end you always come back to me cuz you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night, yeah i invented the night
But maybe once or twice i ll ruffle your feathers, yeah i invented the night The, come down on me cuz you know i will never hurt you
Yeah i invented the night, the weekend is a sea of electric light
It s only monday, come down on me cuz you know i will never hurt you
Mixing elements of the strangest kind, you could have a following in every town that you go but you remember what you said to me that you are nothing without me cuz i invented the night
And when you come down, cuz i invented the night
Turn it on hey little doggy always looking for a bigger bone, yeah i invented the night The, and when you come down
Cuz i invented the night, in my laboratory using lust and lies Night, i gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night
Yeah i invented the night, turn it on hey little doggy always looking for a bigger bone, try to see how many times that you can run away from home
It s only monday, i gave you tuesday night and wednesday night and friday night, cuz i invented the night