Try to hold your brain one day, what ur thinking i ll never hold
U have opened your face for show, muscle sync with their dance of time Cup, i saw you from afar
True cup funghi your coffee break, try to hold your brain one day, park your car in the other sphere
Try to hold your brain one day, try to hold your brain one day
try to hold your brain one day
to have u within reach
Muscle sync with their dance of time, slowly u turn your minute on, park your car in the other sphere
try to hold your brain one day
Try to hold your brain one day, try to hold your brain one day, i saw more than i wished to know
U know i am in war with u, lie down and let it do the job, i saw more than i wished to know
try to hold your brain one day
Muscle sync with their dance of time, i wont stay for the frizz, i prepare as youre sleeping sound
fall back true cup its underground
Beach goon take me back, try to hold your brain one day
Try to hold your brain one day, true cup funghi your coffee break
Fall back true cup its underground, beach goon baby so hard
Try to hold your brain one day, how u fell to your knees, packs be watching our rendezvous
Yet u will remain easyteen, no thing promised held ever truth, try to hold your brain one day
all so different when ur awake
try to hold your brain one day
Slowly u turn your minute on, i prepare as youre sleeping sound
U have opened your face for show, try to hold your brain one day
Harvest good this year, yet u will remain easyteen
Try to hold your brain one day, try to hold your brain one day, nothing more in our brew
U know i am in war with u, i saw you from afar
beach goon take me back
More than some of your dreams can take, u have opened your face for show
Try to hold your brain one day, we say nothing but share the hit
try to hold your brain one day
open up for the thing we share
Try to hold your brain one day, try to hold your brain one day Cup, try to hold your brain one day