Everyday s the same, but it s too late to change my ways
i m stuck living in the past
Slowly beating till tomorrow, everyday s the same
No i don t need it, no i don t need it
Got myself to blame, or try to find, slowly beating till tomorrow
And i don t need it, or try to find, cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow
Took some time off, or try to find Tomorrow, and i don t need it
Should i stay behind, and i don t need it
I left my dreams alone back in yesterday, i won t stop i d rather take the long way home
Cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow, and i don t need it
And i don t need it, i m stuck living in the past, got myself to blame
but that s all right with me
I left my dreams alone back in yesterday, took some time off DWNTWN, slowly beating till tomorrow
where am i closing my eyes
and now i m left behind
took some time off
Everyday s the same, i won t stop i d rather take the long way home Til, but that s all right with me
The man i told myself that i could be, i m stuck living in the past, and i don t need it
And i don t need it, i woke up with a lot weighing on my mind
Yeah i m scared i lost my way, took some time off, but that s ok cuz i ll find a door instead
It s not the easy way, i m stuck living in the past
Got myself to blame, but it s too late to change my ways
took some time off
Yeah i m scared i lost my way, yeah i m scared i lost my way
I woke up with a lot weighing on my mind, yeah i heard the window closed Tomorrow, but that s ok cuz i ll find a door instead
and now i m left behind
but it s too late to change my ways
But that s all right with me, i won t stop i d rather take the long way home Tomorrow, yeah i m scared i lost my way
where am i closing my eyes
It s not the easy way, everyday s the same Tomorrow, and i don t need it
yeah i m scared i lost my way
but it s too late to change my ways
And i don t need it, yeah i heard the window closed, i m stuck living in the past
Cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow, and now i m left behind
but it s too late to change my ways
no i don t need it
And now i m left behind, and i don t need it DWNTWN, everyday s the same
But that s all right with me, the man i told myself that i could be
i won t stop i d rather take the long way home
Got myself to blame, where am i closing my eyes
No i don t need it, but that s all right with me
Cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow, yeah i heard the window closed Tomorrow, and now i m left behind
where am i closing my eyes
The man i told myself that i could be, yeah i m scared i lost my way, and i don t need it
Everyday s the same, yeah i m scared i lost my way
yeah i m scared i lost my way
I woke up with a lot weighing on my mind, cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow
but that s ok cuz i ll find a door instead
And i don t need it, and now i m left behind, i m stuck living in the past
the man i told myself that i could be
i won t stop i d rather take the long way home
And i don t need it, yeah i m scared i lost my way
but that s ok cuz i ll find a door instead
yeah i m scared i lost my way
And i don t need it, no i don t need it
and i don t need it
slowly beating till tomorrow
cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow
Cuz my heart s slowly beating till tomorrow, yeah i m scared i lost my way DWNTWN, i m stuck living in the past