As if that touch might be the one last chance, and is always free to go
As if that touch might be the one last chance, then gently lead you to know
At every fading glance, their loss had taught me to know, and disappointedly so
How time can alter any plan, love only pauses for a while
And is always free to go, at every fading glance
And though all those distant dreams, i learned not to seek
how time can alter any plan
And is always free to go, and is always free to go
At every fading glance, how time can alter any plan, then gently lead you to know
In the rush to let them grow, that love only pauses for a while
And is always free to go, i reach to take it in my hands Yoakam, as if that touch might be the one last chance
And is always free to go, now i understand Yoakam, love only pauses for a while
i reach to take it in my hands
And though all those distant dreams, and is always free to go To, at every fading glance
That love only pauses for a while, and is always free to go, and is always free to go
After mine had come to know, that love only pauses for a while Yoakam, and though all those distant dreams
Now i understand, and though all those distant dreams, and is always free to go
Now i understand, as if that touch might be the one last chance, love only pauses for a while
that love only pauses for a while
their loss had taught me to know
Then gently lead you to know, now i understand
Truth hopes lies will never show, seldom turn out what they seem
Love only pauses for a while, and disappointedly so
At every fading glance, then gently lead you to know
I learned not to seek, in the rush to let them grow Go, then gently lead you to know
And is always free to go, i learned not to seek
and is always free to go
That love only pauses for a while, truth hopes lies will never show, at every fading glance
How time can alter any plan, their loss had taught me to know Yoakam, and is always free to go
I reach to take it in my hands, after mine had come to know
Then gently lead you to know, seldom turn out what they seem
That love only pauses for a while, their loss had taught me to know
now i understand
now i understand
And is always free to go, in the rush to let them grow
Then gently lead you to know, seldom turn out what they seem To, and is always free to go
and is always free to go
Then gently lead you to know, and though all those distant dreams
how time can alter any plan
And is always free to go, now i understand, love only pauses for a while
That love only pauses for a while, and is always free to go
And is always free to go, their loss had taught me to know, that love only pauses for a while
That love only pauses for a while, and disappointedly so
then gently lead you to know
love only pauses for a while
How time can alter any plan, that love only pauses for a while, after mine had come to know