eyes on the flag
setting the pace
driving the lightning forever
My legend is my final lap, ripping the air like a bullet of steel
smokin the tires
ripping the air like a bullet of steel
we are the titans of speed
Smokin the tires, manic and swift, wielding the power and reaching for more
Smokin the tires, nimble and quick, riding the rail
Blood on the track, flying on the wings of speed Thunder, my legend is my final lap
nimble and quick
Riding the rail, running the race
wielding the power and reaching for more
Wielding the power and reaching for more, i m breaking from the pack
flying on the wings of speed
Burning the pistons and grinding the floor, running the race
Burning the pistons and grinding the floor, i m never looking back, velocity rules
We are the titans of speed, my legend is my final lap
With an angel over me, nimble and quick, i m breaking from the pack
Strapped in a cage, ripping the air like a bullet of steel
With an angel over me, running the race
I m headlong clown the track, with an angel over me
My legend is my final lap, wielding the power and reaching for more
my legend is my final lap
mile after mile with the wheel in my hand
Burning the pistons and grinding the floor, mile after mile with the wheel in my hand, strapped in a cage
sons of thunder
Wielding the power and reaching for more, burning like fire, driving the lightning forever
My legend is my final lap, velocity rules
Mile after mile with the wheel in my hand, rushing the wind, burning the pistons and grinding the floor
Sons of thunder, pushing the edge
Driving the lightning forever, riding the rail, flying on the wings of speed
Burning the pistons and grinding the floor, mile after mile with the wheel in my hand, pushing the edge
Eyes on the flag, sons of thunder, sons of thunder
blood on the track
my legend is my final lap
Sons of thunder, driving the lightning forever
Running the race, with an angel over me Sons, sons of thunder
Strapped in a cage, ripping the air like a bullet of steel
We are the titans of speed, strapped in a cage