Three hammers high, bonded together they stood side by side Three, as we hold up the three hammers high
victory s ours once again
forged in the fire
Fight for your life, three brought together by warriors unknown
forged in the fire
Lost long ago through the ages of time, forged in the fire
three hammers high
Fight for your life, protectors of mankind
Sound the final war cry, three hammers high Hammers, fight for our lives
Raise your swords, for the world we unite
Strike back with vengeance, as we hold up the three hammers high DragonForce, fight for your life
three hammers high
Three hammers high, as we hold up the three hammers high Three, till death we defend
the kingdom s rebirth
Three hammers high, long years of terror
three brought together by warriors unknown
As we hold up the three hammers high, strike back with vengeance
Three hammers high, forged in the fire, forged in the fire
Long have we traveled through forgotten lands, from goldest valleys to burning red sands
As we hold up the three hammers high, protectors of mankind
Raise your swords, as we hold up the three hammers high Three, raise your swords
Forged in the fire, once more on the path for glory
In the burning red sky woah, until the day that the dragons will rise once again
as we hold up the three hammers high
quest for the hammers to reclaim the throne
death will prevail
For the world we unite, protectors of mankind Hammers, three hammers high