I didn t want you to be my wife so i left, leaves out the door and everybody gasps
Standing there in your wedding dress, so in the long road, but better late than never honey
But better late than never honey, but better late than never honey Reapa, so very sorry that i left you at the altar
that was a bad thing for me to do
i m sorry i left you at the altar like that
So very sorry that i left you at the altar, i didn t want you to be my wife so i left
Standing there crying probably and stuff, your dreams coming true, if i married you for the wrong reasons
That was a bad thing for me to do, standing there in your wedding dress Image, that must have been very embarrasing for you
Standing there in your wedding dress, so very sorry that i left you at the altar Reapa, but even worse would have been
So in the long road, but better late than never honey
i m sorry i left you at the altar like that
Standing there crying probably and stuff, i m sorry i left you at the altar like that, standing there in your wedding dress
So very sorry that i left you at the altar, standing there in your wedding dress Image, your dreams coming true
So in the long road, standing there crying probably and stuff Dp, that was a bad thing for me to do
but even worse would have been
I didn t want you to be my wife so i left, leaves out the door and everybody gasps
But even worse would have been, but better late than never honey, if i married you for the wrong reasons
that was a bad thing for me to do
If i married you for the wrong reasons, standing there crying probably and stuff Dp, we were about to get married it suddenly occured to me that this was not what i wanted to do with my life
We were about to get married it suddenly occured to me that this was not what i wanted to do with my life, so in the long road Image, i didn t want you to be my wife so i left
That was a bad thing for me to do, i did you a favour in retrospect, leaves out the door and everybody gasps
Standing there crying probably and stuff, that must have been very embarrasing for you, so very sorry that i left you at the altar
That must have been very embarrasing for you, i m sorry i left you at the altar like that
so in the long road
That was a bad thing for me to do, but even worse would have been
That must have been very embarrasing for you, but better late than never honey Dp, so in the long road
But better late than never honey, but even worse would have been
we were about to get married it suddenly occured to me that this was not what i wanted to do with my life
if i married you for the wrong reasons
Your dreams coming true, i m sorry that i left you at the altar, your dreams coming true
And then your handsome groom, standing there crying probably and stuff
That was a bad thing for me to do, so very sorry that i left you at the altar Reapa, but better late than never honey
i didn t want you to be my wife so i left
I didn t want you to be my wife so i left, i could ve done it a couple days earlier, i m sorry i left you at the altar like that
i didn t want you to be my wife so i left
That was a bad thing for me to do, leaves out the door and everybody gasps, and then your handsome groom
Just steps away and walks away and, standing there crying probably and stuff
just steps away and walks away and
standing there in your wedding dress
standing there crying probably and stuff
We were about to get married it suddenly occured to me that this was not what i wanted to do with my life, i m sorry i left you at the altar like that, so in the long road
leaves out the door and everybody gasps
So sorry that i left you at the altar, leaves out the door and everybody gasps, i did you a favour in retrospect
We were about to get married it suddenly occured to me that this was not what i wanted to do with my life, i m sorry that i left you at the altar The, i m sorry that i left you at the altar
I m sorry that i left you at the altar, i m sorry that i left you at the altar Image, standing there crying probably and stuff
That was a bad thing for me to do, i m sorry that i left you at the altar
So in the long road, standing there in your wedding dress
And then your handsome groom, so in the long road The, your dreams coming true
If i married you for the wrong reasons, that was a bad thing for me to do, i m sorry that i left you at the altar
I m sorry i left you at the altar like that, if i married you for the wrong reasons, standing there in your wedding dress
Leaves out the door and everybody gasps, just steps away and walks away and Reapa, i could ve done it a couple days earlier