Composer of love, who gave your life
holy is the lord most high
holy is the lord of life
holy is the lord of life
Holy is the lord of life, who gave your life
calls and sets me apart
Holy is the lord of life, who was and is and is to come Holy, you are holy
Calls and sets me apart, who gave your life
beginning and the end
i can live again
you are holy
you bore my shame
Who was and is and is to come, holy is the lord most high, you are holy
King and friend, the father spirit and the son, holy is the lord of lights
who gave your life
beginning and the end
You are holy, beginning and the end
You are my joy, beginning and the end
I can live again, holy is the lord of life, holy is the lord of lights
You guide my dreams reveal the truth, holy is the lord of life, holy is the lord of lights
Spirit aflame in my heart, you are my joy
In death carried my sin, my comforter and peace Holy, oh great god of abraham
spirit aflame in my heart
who gave his only son
In death carried my sin, beginning and the end
you are holy
You are my joy, who gave your life downhere, and move in me to sing
oh great god of abraham