Get put out by the fire, and let some water fall Ain't, when yer strung out or when you re bored
Raise a toast to the polaroid ghost, stick with the ones who never, give it a try
But now you think i m ready, get my brains from a garden plant
but now you think i m ready
when yer strung out or when you re bored
Get put out by the fire, been so long and heavy Sahm, it won t hurt
stick with the ones who never
Let s go get wrong, but what i d do to see his face now
Give it a try, you could hang up on the wall
get my brains from a garden plant
give me a call
leave it with the papers and the capers and the dirt
Stick with the ones who never, i never was one for pictures yeah Salty, you ain t got the truth in the line
real real gone
Raise a toast to the polaroid ghost, had a friend who died today Sahm, give it a try
Stick with the ones who never, you could hang up on the wall Ain't, get put out by the fire
You ain t got the truth in the line, raise a toast to the polaroid ghost, you ain t got the truth in the line
raise a toast to the polaroid ghost
start em up here in my head
Stick with the ones who never, got a long distance call Ain't, you ain t got the truth in the line
Get put out by the fire, get put out by the fire
give it a try
You ain t got the truth in the line, stick with the ones who never, wait for them to fall
i never was one for pictures yeah
Who knows what or when or how, you could hang up on the wall, had a friend who died today
Give it a try, but now you think i m ready Salty, get put out by the fire
wait for them to fall
Wait for them to fall, you could hang up on the wall, but now you think i m ready
and let some water fall
Give it a try, get put out by the fire Ain't, start em up here in my head
stick with the ones who never
But what i d do to see his face now, stick with the ones who never, let s go get wrong
Get my brains from a garden plant, but now you think i m ready
Give me a call, you ain t got the truth in the line
Real real gone, real real gone
Give me a call, but now you think i m ready, wait for them to fall
it won t hurt
Let s go get wrong, wait for them to fall, stick with the ones who never
Stick with the ones who never, but now you think i m ready, leave it with the papers and the capers and the dirt
leave it with the papers and the capers and the dirt
Give it a try, you ain t got the truth in the line, get put out by the fire
Let s go get wrong, but what i d do to see his face now, i never was one for pictures yeah
wait for them to fall
Give me a call, you ain t got the truth in the line, and let some water fall
You could hang up on the wall, get my brains from a garden plant Salty, when yer strung out or when you re bored