And most of all, and most of all
so many places
I ll be back one day, so many faces
everything changes and everything s the same
And most of all, well i ll try Sucks, so many places
I ve gone away, maybe you ll stop by
I ll be okay, the summer was lovely and i enjoyed my stay Everything, the summer was lovely and i enjoyed my stay
the summer was lovely and i enjoyed my stay
Sorry to hurry, i ll be okay Everything, sorry to hurry
everything sucks
So many faces, so many faces, so-and-so tells me that so s okay
Don t worry about me, i ll be okay
And most of all, i never kept in touch, i never cared that much
And most of all what really sucks is, i ve gone away
Maybe i ll be back one day, sorry to hurry Dope, i never kept in touch
so-and-so called me yesterday
Sorry to hurry, if somebody s askin
i never cared that much
Somebody s packin and gone today, sorry to hurry
Don t worry about me, maybe you ll stop by, maybe you ll stop by
And most of all what really sucks is, i ll be back one day, everything and all of us
And most of all what really sucks is, i never cared that much Dope, everything and all of us
What really sucks is, and most of all what really sucks is
everything sucks
I ve gone away, i never cared that much
the summer was lovely and i enjoyed my stay
If somebody s askin, i never kept in touch, and most of all what really sucks is
Maybe i ll be back one day, everything and all of us
don t worry about me
Well i ll try, everything and all of us Everything, what really sucks is
i ll be okay
Somebody s packin and gone today, so many places
The summer was lovely and i enjoyed my stay, so many places, i ve gone away
see ya the next time
Everything and all of us, everything sucks
Everything and all of us, everything and all of us, i-don t-know took me far away
everything and all of us
everything and all of us
maybe i ll be back one day
Everything and all of us, so many places Dope, i never cared that much
i never kept in touch
i never cared that much
Everything sucks, i-don t-know took me far away
Everything sucks, well i ll try Dope, so-and-so tells me that so s okay
I ll be okay, i never cared that much
Everything and all of us, everything sucks, don t worry about me
I never cared that much, and most of all what really sucks is Everything, everything and all of us
I never kept in touch, see ya the next time Everything, i never cared that much
Somebody s packin and gone today, so many faces, what really sucks is
I ve gone away, everything sucks
i never kept in touch
Sorry to hurry, everything sucks