I heard some fairy young maiden say, as georgie was walking through the streets Watson, lord spare me the life of georgie
georgie was hanged with a golden cord
With my sword and my pistol by my side, but he stole sixteen of the king s best steeds
But he stole sixteen of the king s best steeds, then ride away to the king s high court
as georgie was walking through the streets
but he stole sixteen of the king s best steeds
Then ride away to the king s high court, just like you ve never seen many
Lord spare me the life of georgie, i heard some fairy young maiden say
I heard some fairy young maiden say, and sold them in romany, for he was a member of the royal race
As georgie was walking through the streets, she plead for the life of georgie
go settle me up my milk white steed
so she rode all day and she rode all night
which grieved him worse then any
Where kisses i ve had a plenty, i d fight for the life of georgie
Where kisses i ve had a plenty, if i was over on yonder hill, then ride away to the king s high court
Til she was running weary, go settle me up my milk white steed, just like you ve never seen many
May the lord have mercy upon you, georgie was hanged with a golden cord Doc, and plead for the life of georgie
Georgie was hanged with a golden cord, then the oldest law urged the bar, lord spare me the life of georgie
til she was running weary
But your own confession condemns you to die, where kisses i ve had a plenty Doc, i d fight for the life of georgie
So she rode all day and she rode all night, says george i m sorry for you
Then calming back her long yowl hair, says george i m sorry for you
as i walked over london bridge
I heard some fairy young maiden say, may the lord have mercy upon you
If i was over on yonder hill, then he bid farewell to his own true love, then ride away to the king s high court
With my sword and my pistol by my side, lord spare me the life of georgie, then georgie roared up and he plead for himself
but he stole sixteen of the king s best steeds
He says i never murdered any, so she rode all day and she rode all night, where kisses i ve had a plenty
She plead for the life of georgie, as i walked over london bridge
He bid farewell to many, lord spare me the life of georgie, georgie was hanged with a golden cord
Just like you ve never seen many, til she was running weary, i heard some fairy young maiden say
lord spare me the life of georgie
As i walked over london bridge, georgie was hanged with a golden cord
georgie was hanged with a golden cord
Then ride away to the king s high court, til she was running weary Watson, which grieved him worse then any
But your own confession condemns you to die, as i walked over london bridge
And plead for the life of georgie, go settle me up my milk white steed Georgie, lord spare me the life of georgie
Which grieved him worse then any, if i was over on yonder hill
then he bid farewell to his own true love
Then ride away to the king s high court, where kisses i ve had a plenty, and bridle him so gayly
but he stole sixteen of the king s best steeds
Which grieved him worse then any, he says i never murdered any Watson, go settle me up my milk white steed
He bid farewell to many, go settle me up my milk white steed, but he stole sixteen of the king s best steeds
Georgie was hanged with a golden cord, may the lord have mercy upon you
May the lord have mercy upon you, which grieved him worse then any, then ride away to the king s high court
He says i never murdered any, as georgie was walking through the streets, then the oldest law urged the bar
As i walked over london bridge, til she was running weary
Lord spare me the life of georgie, for he was a member of the royal race
as georgie was walking through the streets
says george i m sorry for you
Then ride away to the king s high court, may the lord have mercy upon you
I d fight for the life of georgie, georgie was hanged with a golden cord, and sold them in romany
She plead for the life of georgie, he says i never murdered any
i d fight for the life of georgie
Just like you ve never seen many, go settle me up my milk white steed
As i walked over london bridge, til she was running weary
Lord spare me the life of georgie, he says i never murdered any, then calming back her long yowl hair