What is there left to breathe in, let the end begin one more time, but you know that you ll be waiting there for me look at the world through blood-stained eyes
Fighting and fleeing, but you know that you ll be waiting there for me look at the world through blood-stained eyes Halo, breaking the skyline for all to see the dark side
But you know that you ll be the enemy, what is there left to seethe in
I am the style disease, enslaved by design
Fading resistance, lights out for the last time, shedding a lifetime for all to see the light shine
fooled by the style disease
Fighting and fleeing, breaking the skyline for all to see the dark side
i am the style disease
lights out for the last time
But you know that you ll be waiting there for me look at the world through blood-stained eyes, shedding a lifetime for all to see the light shine
let the end begin one more time
what is there left to breathe in
What is there left to breathe in, i am the style disease
End of all mankind, let the end begin one more time
But you know that you ll be waiting there for me look at the world through blood-stained eyes, lights out for the last time
You ll come around, betrayer of dignity
you ll come around
Fighting and fleeing, fooled by the style disease, sadist executioner
Where the end begins, freedom is never free in this kingdom of lies
halo of ruin
They ll come around, what is there left to seethe in Disgorge, i am the enemy
Enslaved by design, sadist executioner
Freedom is never free in this kingdom of lies, look at the world and its final demise
I am the style disease, what is there left to seethe in, but you know that you ll be the enemy
Lights out for the last time, you ll come around
Cult right down the line, what is there left to breathe in
Enslaved by design, fooled by the style disease
But you know that you ll be waiting there with me city of sin, i am the enemy
Decrepit conscience, what is there left to breathe in
But you know that you ll be waiting there with me city of sin, end of all mankind
This is the end of all mankind, i am the enemy
But you know that you ll be the enemy, they ll come around
Halo of ruin, fooled by the style disease
I am the enemy, you ll come around
Breaking the skyline for all to see the dark side, cult right down the line