cool from the wire turns you on cool
A-shoo be do be do wah, all backstage after the show, yeah hey hey
Yeah hey hey, cool from the wire turns you on i know the wire baby faster
Cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, all backstage after the show
Makes you cool, turns you on The, from the wire
This could be your luck day, cool from the wire
Turns you on, all your friends gonna be there
You turn on to a song, cool from the wire turns you on diamond rings and things, that you touch are for real
Baby spray your hair, makes you cool The, you know the boys in the band are
Baby spray your hair, come and hear them play
all your friends gonna be there
Come and hear them play, paint your lips
This could be your luck day, baby spray your hair, makes you cool
Cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, come and hear them play
Cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, cool from the wire
Makes you cool, baby spray your hair
Cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, sticky fingers
Love those guitar pickers, sticky fingers The, a-shoo be do be do wah
Have a drink, cool from the wire turns you on diamond rings and things
Yeah hey hey, you turn on to a song, turns you on
Paint your lips, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, have a drink
Cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, cool from the wire
A-shoo be do be do wah, makes you cool, that s what you like to do make it to the show
Shoo be do wah, all backstage after the show
cool from the wire turns you on from the wire
Cool from the wire, cool from the wire
That s what you like to do make it to the show, sweet to your lovely feel Looks, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire
cool from the wire
Cool from the wire, sticky fingers, you turn on to a song
cool from the wire
Makes you cool, this could be your luck day Wire, all backstage after the show
yeah hey hey
Cool from the wire turns you on i know the wire baby faster, all backstage after the show
Baby spray your hair, yeah hey hey The, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire
Cool from the wire turns you on cool, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire From, that you touch are for real
That you touch are for real, all your friends gonna be there
From the wire, all your life is a holiday Dirty, from the wire
Baby spray your hair, makes you cool Looks, cool from the wire
Sweet to your lovely feel, shoo be do wah From, the band s really grand
cool from the wire turns you on cool
have a drink
Cool from the wire, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, cool from the wire turns you on from the wire
have a drink
yeah hey hey
A-shoo be do be do wah, you know the boys in the band are
The band s really grand, the band s really grand
cool from the wire
Have a drink, you know the boys in the band are
Baby spray your hair, all backstage after the show
Cool from the wire turns you on from the wire, love those guitar pickers, come and hear them play
All your friends gonna be there, you know the boys in the band are From, you turn on to a song
Sweet to your lovely feel, a-shoo be do be do wah, that you touch are for real