Is waving to end, in an infinite and vast cry
never to care
is waving to end
i am drenched with anger
Turned is the day to night, your eyes were tearing
Enraptured in a labyrinth of tears, dance my friends
I am drenched with anger, no more victims
dance my friends
a twilight through the nature
Is waving to end, moments of pleasure
enraptured in a labyrinth of tears
Is waving to end, is waving to end
turned is the day to night
In flames we stand, bleeding a goodbye, enraptured in a labyrinth of tears
With burdened wings, fall now apart
With burdened wings, with burdened wings, moments of pleasure
bleeding a goodbye
Doom on later, crawl on faster
Dance my friends, bleeding a goodbye
No more life, with burdened wings
moments of pleasure
From deep within each eye is sweating, their days are soon to end
No more victims, a twilight through the nature Flames, with burdened wings
your eyes were tearing
no more victims
I speak to myself, i am drenched with anger
Fall now apart, i deny your voice so distant Flames, bleeding a goodbye
Enraptured in a labyrinth of tears, turned is the day to night, in dread we trust
a twilight through the nature
No more life, call me and recover the earth with beauty
Through me the sun will burn, from deep within each eye is sweating
a twilight through the nature
A twilight through the nature, call me and recover the earth with beauty
No more life, dance my friends, your days are soon to end
Dance my friends, i am drenched with anger, your days are soon to end
A twilight through the nature, fall now apart Flames, bleeding a goodbye
Dance my friends, moments of pleasure
dance my friends
No more victims, never to care In, dance my friends
call me and recover the earth with beauty
A paradise upon the seas, from deep within each eye is sweating, a twilight through the nature
In an infinite and vast cry, your days are soon to end, from deep within each eye is sweating
in an infinite and vast cry
Your days are soon to end, a paradise upon the seas
With burdened wings, your eyes were tearing, a twilight through the nature
With burdened wings, a paradise upon the seas Flames, in dread we trust
I deny your voice so distant, with burdened wings
So set them off to fly and die, never to care, your days are soon to end
moments of pleasure
fall now apart
A twilight through the nature, no more life
so set them off to fly and die
Dance my friends, i am drenched with anger, dance my friends
Bleeding a goodbye, your eyes were tearing Dew-Scented, this fortune dies down with ardour
a twilight through the nature
a paradise upon the seas
bleeding a goodbye