I give the gift of pestilence, you are prisoners on all sides Destroyer, i believe in nihilism
so come to me all you philosphers
You built your tomb within your walls, and as for you poets and bards
So blessed be the murderers, you built your tomb within your walls
Rape the world, i believe in nihilism
You march in circles with semantic tricks, and as for you poets and bards Destroyer, you built your tomb within your walls
i have a use for all your words
so blessed be the murderers
i believe in nihilism
you hide in shadows with your books
Your gods your temples your fucking rules, syncophants to every scar Cold, so blessed be the murderers
So come to me all you philosphers, you are prisoners on all sides Steel..., you march in circles with semantic tricks
I have a use for all your words, you built your tomb within your walls 666, your gods your temples your fucking rules
i have a use for all your words
And as for your politics, this is tyranny Destroyer, you are prisoners on all sides
and fuck all you religious fools
And as for you humanists, and as for your politics, so come to me all you philosphers
you built your tomb within your walls
Who work like wicked conjurers, you are prisoners on all sides
And as for your politics, you hide in shadows with your books, you march in circles with semantic tricks
I have a use for all your words, and as for you poets and bards, and as for you poets and bards
So come to me all you philosphers, so blessed be the murderers, and as for you occultists
rape the world
rape the world
Syncophants to every scar, you are prisoners on all sides
you hide in shadows with your books
I have no need for pessimism, you built your tomb within your walls
Who work like wicked conjurers, and as for you occultists, i have no need for pessimism
You are prisoners on all sides, syncophants to every scar
you march in circles with semantic tricks
You march in circles with semantic tricks, and as for your politics
Who work like wicked conjurers, and as for you lovers of light Steel..., syncophants to every scar
And fuck all you religious fools, and as for you humanists, and as for you humanists
rape the world
And as for you occultists, i have no need for pessimism Cold, and as for you occultists
And as for you poets and bards, syncophants to every scar, you are prisoners on all sides
This is tyranny, and as for your politics
You hide in shadows with your books, and fuck all you religious fools
and fuck all you religious fools
and emperors of golden halls
I have a use for all your words, i believe in nihilism
Who work like wicked conjurers, so blessed be the murderers 666, so blessed be the murderers
You are prisoners on all sides, so come to me all you philosphers
so come to me all you philosphers
and emperors of golden halls
so come to me all you philosphers
You built your tomb within your walls, and as for you occultists, this is tyranny
so blessed be the murderers
So come to me all you philosphers, and fuck all you religious fools
And as for you poets and bards, this is tyranny
Rape the world, and as for your politics