As the final moment slips away, maybe there s more to come Moore, cause maybe it starts where it ended
Be careful with your heart, how come nothing seems to be enough
Be careful with your heart, my full attention, cause maybe it starts where it ended
Maybe there s more to come, be careful with your heart All, all the way all the way
cause maybe it starts where it ended
all the way all the way
My full attention, how come nothing seems to be enough?
are you hearing all of my questions
Cause maybe it starts where it ended, cause maybe it starts where it ended Moore, can there ever really be too much to say
My full attention, my full attention
Maybe there s more to come, cause maybe it starts where it ended
My full attention, are you hearing all of my questions
do you have my full
Cause maybe it starts where it ended, maybe there s more to come
my full attention
As the final moment slips away, how come nothing seems to be enough?
as the final moment slips away
maybe there s more to come
cause maybe it starts where it ended
in the darkest hour of the day
can there ever really be too much to say
be careful with your heart
how come nothing seems to be enough
All the way all the way, cause maybe it starts where it ended, how come nothing seems to be enough
Are you hearing all of my questions, my full attention, can there ever really be too much to say
In the darkest hour of the day, do you have my full All, be careful with your heart
Be careful with your heart, do you have my full Way, maybe there s more to come
Cause maybe it starts where it ended, in the darkest hour of the day
maybe there s more to come
be careful with your heart