Grandpa see the world is changing, in the home where i was born, little man must go choke the business down the river thick and slow
Mmmmmm aaaaaa, little heart don t slow Little, little heart don t slow
dirty meddling hand
Dirty meddling hand, in the home where i was born, winter comes around
Live according to the season, in the home where i was born
The body sits there all alone, through the trees through the snow Heart, in the home where i was born
grandpa see the world is changing
Live according to the season, little heart don t slow
Live according to the season, through the trees through the snow, a heart is slow the senses all shut down
Resistant in the coil, the sun don t come before the dawn
In the home where i was born, grandpa see the world is changing
little heart don t slow
Dirty meddling hand, a heart is slow the senses all shut down Delaney, see the head the head is floating
The sun don t come before the dawn, dirty meddling hand
little man must go choke the business down the river thick and slow
Resistant in the coil, the sun don t come before the dawn
a heart is slow the senses all shut down
Dirty meddling hand, winter comes around, through the trees through the snow
in the home where i was born
In the home where i was born, a heart is slow the senses all shut down
Dirty meddling hand, see the head the head is floating
little man must go choke the business down the river thick and slow
Things they gotta have a reason, the body sits there all alone
Winter comes around, winter comes around
Little heart don t slow, little heart don t slow, mmmmmm aaaaaa
Winter comes around, the sun don t come before the dawn
things they gotta have a reason
Little heart don t slow, winter comes around, see the head the head is floating
grandpa see the world is changing
The body sits there all alone, over the lake you see the wind blow
Little boy is left alone, im already here you know
im already here you know
In the home where i was born, over the lake you see the wind blow Heart, grandpa see the world is changing
Dirty meddling hand, the body sits there all alone, grandpa see the world is changing