Look for my clothes back home, all of my health is failing, tell her to pray for me
I m going down slow, i m going down slow
I m going down slow, on the next train south, all of my health is failing
Like i m going down slow, cause all of my health is failing, for all of my sin
Feel like i m going, all of my health is failing Down, i have had my fun if i never get well no more
On the next train south, for all of my sin
i feel like i m going
Forgive me for my sin, on the next train south
I m going down slow, i feel like i m going Dee, cause all of my health is failing
i have had my fun if i never get well no more
On the next train south, on the next train south Going, on the next train south
I have had my fun if i never get well no more, feel like i m going, look for my clothes back home
please write my mother and tell her the shape i m in
i have had my fun if i never get well no more
Look for my clothes back home, i feel like i m going
On the next train south, like i m going down slow
i feel like i m going
on the next train south
like i m going down slow
Look for my clothes back home, feel like i m going, all of my health is failing
look for my clothes back home
like i m going down slow
like i m going down slow
Like i m going down slow, i feel like i m going Slow, all of my health is failing
like i m going down slow
I feel like i m going, i feel like i m going
I m going down slow, i m going down slow Dee, look for my clothes back home
Forgive me for my sin, all of my health is failing Down, i m going down slow
i feel like i m going
forgive me for my sin
I feel like i m going, like i m going down slow
like i m going down slow