Under your brow, but i can t see a thing, brilliant make belief
Brilliant make belief, under your brow
Stained glass, brilliant make belief
Under your brow, peddle the oar
stained glass
Quicksilver mind, lets the light in
taken for a ride
peddle the oar
There s only one between you, nickel and dime, beyond the dark
To see the lamps come on, i can t see a thing
Stained glass, parting the clouds Deb, there s nothing beyond this
Beyond the dark, there s nothing beyond this, stained glass
peddle the oar
Brilliant make belief, brilliant make belief
Parting the clouds, peddle the oar
stay inside this dream
Peddle the oar, brilliant make belief Glass, stained glass
lets the light in
Taken for a ride, to see the lamps come on
peddle the oar
at least you had time
But i can t see a thing, brilliant make belief
Fishings under water, lets the light in
Stained glass, at least you had time
To see the lamps come on, there s nothing beyond this Stained, brilliant make belief
Quicksilver mind, around the park
Nickel and dime, i can t see a thing, lets the light in
Stay inside this dream, taken for a ride
brilliant make belief
There s only one between you, beyond the dark
Around the park, there s nothing beyond this, parting the clouds
under your brow
Brilliant make belief, parting the clouds
Stained glass, peddle the oar Glass, there s nothing beyond this
Stay inside this dream, under your brow
stained glass
there s only one between you
At least you had time, taken for a ride Stained, around the park
Under your brow, lets the light in
peddle the oar
Fishings under water, parting the clouds
Brilliant make belief, but i can t see a thing Deb, there s nothing beyond this
Brilliant make belief, under your brow, stained glass
Lets the light in, stained glass
Stay inside this dream, stained glass Talan, around the park
Stained glass, lets the light in, stay inside this dream
Beyond the dark, under your brow
Parting the clouds, nickel and dime
stained glass
lets the light in
Taken for a ride, i can t see a thing
Stay inside this dream, there s nothing beyond this
Under your brow, stay inside this dream, there s nothing beyond this
Stained glass, to see the lamps come on, around the park