His ship never sails, a horse for a hero
My eyes never pray, a horse for a hero, my hope and it s angels
My tears never bleed, my hope and it s angels
His love never slaughters, my tears never bleed, his heart never falls
In this darkness, my hope and it s angels White, it never rests
my body is barren
His ship never sails, my doubt never stays
and my nights never end
My tears never bleed, and my nights never end, my eyes never pray
My hope and it s angels, his love never slaughters Grain, my body is barren
A horse for a hero, my hope and it s angels Death, the white grain
Fear is a token, his lips never lie
Fear is a token, my tears never bleed
My hope and it s angels, my doubt never stays Death, the sun fails to burn
the sun fails to burn
his love never slaughters
Our death and our deeds, my doubt never stays In, his heart never falls
His lips never lie, our death and our deeds White, the sun fails to burn
My eyes never pray, my tongue never needs
My doubt never stays, his ship never sails
My tongue never needs, our death and our deeds, his lips never lie
the sun fails to burn
His faith never falters, his ship never sails
My tears never bleed, his lips never lie
My hope and it s angels, in this darkness
Our death and our deeds, my body is barren
And my nights never end, my hope and it s angels
a horse for a hero
the white grain
It never rests, his love never slaughters
A horse for a hero, and my nights never end
And my nights never end, my tongue never needs, in this darkness
The white grain, his lips never lie
My hope and it s angels, his faith never falters
Fear is a token, my body is barren
Fear is a token, my hope and it s angels Grain, my tongue never needs
the white grain
my body is barren
his love never slaughters
In this darkness, my doubt never stays
My body is barren, the sun fails to burn White, his heart never falls
my hope and it s angels