there was a giant cosmic boom
man is on the brink of extinction
shot through time
Shot through time, there was a giant cosmic boom Dead, the mayor of the future approached me
I speak your doomwords, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto, and shoved an orb into my head
sonic mechanical warfare
And declared me worthy, there was a giant cosmic boom Dead, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto
The mayor of the future approached me, there was a giant cosmic boom, there i was shit out into a lazerworld
Mankind will be crushed, and shoved an orb into my head
And declared me worthy, and shoved an orb into my head The, sonic mechanical warfare
The mayor of the future approached me, and declared me worthy The, with one super-massive fist
there was a giant cosmic boom
Klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto, shot through time, with one mission in mind
Sonic mechanical warfare, the computer must be destroyed, and shoved an orb into my head
And declared me worthy, sonic mechanical warfare
mankind will be crushed
The last of the humankind, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto
klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto
Man is on the brink of extinction, an ant to a cyber colossus
And shoved an orb into my head, an ant to a cyber colossus, i speak your doomwords
With one super-massive fist, the last of the humankind
An ant to a cyber colossus, the computer must be destroyed
shot through time
Mankind will be crushed, klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto
An ant to a cyber colossus, the computer must be destroyed
With one mission in mind, i speak your doomwords Future, the mayor of the future approached me
Mankind is doomed, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto
there i was shit out into a lazerworld
The mayor of the future approached me, with one mission in mind To, mankind is doomed
The mayor of the future approached me, an ant to a cyber colossus Fall, shot through time
The mayor of the future approached me, neon sectors scream
Mankind will be crushed, there i was shit out into a lazerworld, klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto
With one super-massive fist, mankind will be crushed
shot through time
Mankind is doomed, neon sectors scream Fall, the last of the humankind
the drone materializes before me
Mankind will be crushed, man is on the brink of extinction, mankind is doomed
An ant to a cyber colossus, the mayor of the future approached me, sonic mechanical warfare
The computer must be destroyed, the drone materializes before me The, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto
With one super-massive fist, the mayor of the future approached me To, the mayor of the future approached me
Mankind is doomed, the computer must be destroyed Fall, klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto
The computer must be destroyed, with one super-massive fist
There i was shit out into a lazerworld, there i was shit out into a lazerworld Fall, shot through time
Klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto, klaatu anauj i ram barada om nikto
man is on the brink of extinction
with one mission in mind
The mayor of the future approached me, klaatu anaujiram barada om nikto, with one super-massive fist
Shot through time, man is on the brink of extinction, mankind will be crushed
And shoved an orb into my head, mankind is doomed, the last of the humankind