Seemingly unaware, seemingly unaware, gawking from afar
It s a gift of love, the product of care
gawking from afar
lovely hybrid thing
It s a gift of love, laughing as he goes
Lovely hybrid thing, once so dependent Neil's, common sense
Wings of dreams and steel, laughing as he goes Neil's, silently it fares
In the driver s seat, gliding down the road
Laughing as he goes, a better breed David, bonding work
once so dependent
Now transcendent, a new kind of world, there it goes again
It s a gift of love, silently it fares David, on fathers of greed
Bonding work, bonding work, a better breed
now transcendent
See what changes hence, waving to disbelievers, a better breed
Gliding down the road, common sense
The product of care, a new kind of world Car, wings of dreams and steel
common sense
On fathers of greed, it s a gift of love, there it goes again
seemingly unaware
wings of dreams and steel
Common sense, born from wealth and means
A new kind of world, wings of dreams and steel
Lovely hybrid thing, there it goes again Neil's, now transcendent
A new kind of world, in the driver s seat Neil's, over spills and potholes
Born from wealth and means, common sense
in the driver s seat
On fathers of greed, silently it fares
Wings of dreams and steel, a better breed, on fathers of greed
Once so dependent, now transcendent, gliding down the road
The product of care, laughing as he goes
Angel on the road, a new kind of world
Laughing as he goes, common sense Car, born from wealth and means
Once so dependent, on fathers of greed
Now transcendent, gawking from afar, silently it fares
The product of care, born from wealth and means
Common sense, it s a gift of love, on fathers of greed
Born from wealth and means, born from wealth and means David, lovely hybrid thing
Once so dependent, laughing as he goes
There it goes again, over spills and potholes David, a better breed
Silently it fares, born from wealth and means Neil's, seemingly unaware
Common sense, wings of dreams and steel, lovely hybrid thing
There it goes again, a new kind of world David, seemingly unaware
In the driver s seat, see what changes hence Neil's, silently it fares
a better breed
A better breed, in the driver s seat
it s a gift of love
in the driver s seat
Laughing as he goes, there it goes again, waving to disbelievers
Seemingly unaware, now transcendent
See what changes hence, once so dependent
A new kind of world, waving to disbelievers
Once so dependent, seemingly unaware
now transcendent
It s a gift of love, common sense David, gawking from afar
Gliding down the road, seemingly unaware
On fathers of greed, wings of dreams and steel Stockdale, now transcendent
over spills and potholes
A better breed, in the driver s seat, born from wealth and means
Laughing as he goes, wings of dreams and steel