he who gives drink to the thirsty
stripped and beaten
be praised 3x
Call his name jesus christ, jesus christ
He who was born in a stable, he who feeds the hungry, he healed the withered hand
he who is the begotten son
Call his name jesus christ, he who is the bread of life, on calvary he rose in three
Jesus christ, on calvary he rose in three
on calvary he rose in three
he who walks the lame again
He who is without sin cast the first stone, he who see the blind
he who is the begotten son
Yes he set the adulterers free, we shout glory Jesus, he healed the withered hand
We sing praises, he who was born in a stable, stripped and beaten
He who walks the lame again, he who see the blind David, he who see the blind
He who was born of a virgin, we shout glory
Call his name jesus christ, he who is the begotten son
Call his name jesus christ, bore my sins
Jesus christ, we shout glory
We sing praises, we sing praises
He healed the leprosy, he who see the blind
He who calms the storm, we bring honor Jesus, we sing praises
Yes he set the adulterers free, he who is the begotten son
call his name jesus christ
We sing praises, he who feeds the hungry
He who is the begotten son, we sing praises, on calvary he rose in three
He who calms the storm, he who feeds the hungry
He who is without sin cast the first stone, call his name jesus christ
he healed the withered hand
call his name jesus christ
Jesus christ, he who feeds the hungry
Call his name jesus christ, bore my sins, he who was born of a virgin
he who was born in a stable
He who was born of a virgin, he who hears the deaf David, we bring honor
he who feeds the hungry
Bore my sins, stripped and beaten
Bore my sins, he who makes you fishers of men
He who gives drink to the thirsty, jesus christ Christ, we bring honor
He who walks the lame again, stripped and beaten, he who gives drink to the thirsty
Call his name jesus christ, jesus christ
He who makes you fishers of men, he healed the leprosy David, on calvary he rose in three
He who was born in a stable, call his name jesus christ
He bled and died, we bring honor Jesus, call his name jesus christ
Call his name jesus christ, call his name jesus christ
jesus christ
We bring honor, call his name jesus christ Jesus, he who gives drink to the thirsty
He who gives drink to the thirsty, we bring honor
He who is without sin cast the first stone, he who walks the lame again, be praised 3x
he who is the begotten son
Stripped and beaten, call his name jesus christ, jesus christ
He who gives drink to the thirsty, he who was born of a virgin, we shout glory
He bled and died, he who makes you fishers of men, he who see the blind
On calvary he rose in three, he who feeds the hungry
call his name jesus christ
he healed the withered hand
We sing praises, he who is the bread of life
He who walks the lame again, he who gives drink to the thirsty, call his name jesus christ