Kan du øyne slottet i det fjerne
Og dets lystige, skralende fest
Par som danser, par som ler
Par som svømmer i uakstom synd
Og under den sol som de sorte tilber
Feirer de nyår med festing og tull
En skammelig synd som Guder anser
Som åndelig makkverk fra de svakes hull
Og hullene er graver
Som bare er for dem
Med åndelige nåler
Som for alltid
Vil pine alle lem
Kan du øyne slottet I det fjerne
Fra din mørke, grimme hule
Så kan du hate i tusen år
Fryde deg over smerten de får
or The Castle Far Away. See, it is in the distance, but you can't really see it because it is far away. But you know it's there. You just know there is a castle there, and even though you can't see it, there is an overwhelming apprehension that the castle is there. A TRUE BLACK Metal concept that will take more than 141 characters to understand, understand?
The lyrics are told from the perspective of a reclusive forest dweller,
who gazes upon a castle far in the distance. He thinks about the people
inside enjoying themselves, while he is left there to writhe in his
misery. He finds solace in the thought of how those in the castle will
one day begin an eternity in hell for their indulgences, as spikes
pierce their limbs agonizingly.
The music is so fucking beautiful. I love this song.